Let´s Entangle – On digital materialities in kindergartens

Let´s Entangle – On digital materialities in kindergartens

Hi, Frank. You have been an educator of social educators for years in Denmark. And you have always advocated and demonstrated that digital media easily can become part of everyday practice in kindergartens combining screen and floor, media and body – also on an european level (Støvelbæk & MediaPLAYINGcommunities 2009). Well, here is a term, …

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Digitale Verdensborgere Jeg har netop holdt foredrag om hvordan pædagoger og børn i børnehaver i Norden kan blive digitale verdensborgere. Jeg kigger lidt tilbage på mange års projekter, forbi aktuelle og brændende eksempler og lidt frem. Der er mange, mange billeder og meget at snakke om som jo ikke fremgår af alle de mange stikord.  …

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The Permanent Laboratory

The Permanent Laboratory

Thoughts about how children and social educators could be creative thinkers in a global context How do we as social educators prepare ourselves and the children for the future? In the Erasmus-project Mini-makers this question is part of the discussions and activities (www.mini-makers.eu). The attempt is to make a curriculum that mirrors the discussions and …

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STÆMPEL – et kunstprojekt skabt for og af unge

STÆMPEL – et kunstprojekt skabt for og af unge

  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFkJRyHfhzU?rel=0&w=560&h=315] Pludselig hører man det…. Eva skal lave kunstprojekt sammen med unge fra Eriksminde Efterskole i en nedlagt fabrik i Odder. Unge dér skal ikke stemples som nogen, der ødelægger alting. Nyt stempel, tak! Jeg går ind i en bygning med grafitti, de ikke selv har lavet. Ikke det hele ihvertfald. Skitser, sætninger, …

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Kindergartens as global makerspaces? An open answer to some questions for a future curriculum

Kindergartens as global makerspaces? An open answer to some questions for a future curriculum

  Dear Gerrit. You and I have on some occasions discussed the future curriculum of pre-school teachers in Europe and especially on how kindergartens and makerspaces can use the possibilities of the Internet. Here is an open answer with some reflections on the subject. You are leading the Erasmus+ project, Mini-Maker, where I take part. Not …

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3D-PRINTERS IN A PEDAGOGICAL SETTING – Questions and suggestions

3D-PRINTERS IN A PEDAGOGICAL SETTING – Questions and suggestions

Hi, Daniel! You and I had a few conversations on 3D-printers in a pedagogical setting where teachers and smaller children are a central part of the activities.  You as the leader of Fablab Berlin and I as a teacher and researcher in different kinds of makerspaces wanted to know more about this could be done. …

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Impressions from Fablab Berlin

Impressions from Fablab Berlin

I have had the pleasure of visiting Fablab Berlin in Germany and have been part of their everyday life for some time. I have listened, tried their tools and talked to a lot of people in the middle of all their activities around especially 3d printers and lasercutters.  The first video CUTS & PRINTS shows …

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WHAT IS AN OPEN LABORATORY? Inspiration for emerging makerspaces

WHAT IS AN OPEN LABORATORY? Inspiration for emerging makerspaces

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdBekYIC6Hk&w=560&h=315] Some recent discussions and developments on open laboratories in Denmark can benefit the future development of Makerspaces as an emergent place where tools, materials and processes are not defined in advance or can be changed according to decisions and needs by the participants in a makerspace. A group of researchers, consultants, teachers and …

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Digital verdensborger – hvordan?

Digital verdensborger – hvordan?

Hvordan kan pædagoger og børn være og blive digitale verdensborgere? Det er et godt spørgsmål og her er ét til: Hvordan kan pædagogikken metodisk og principielt åbne sig mod den omverden, der kun er et klik væk og som allerede er en del af børnenes og pædagogernes liv? Og her er et til: Hvordan kan …

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Inside the experimenting community

Inside the experimenting community

When the members of an experimenting community meet it is important to be able to transform whatever they meet outside the experimenting community itself. They might meet technologies, expressions, spaces, values, people and methods they don’t know or understand in advance. So the ability to think, develop and act in transformation processes are important. They …

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